The project, a collaborative effort between Tare Zameen Par Trust and Aviratha, aimed to bring the wonders of the universe to rural schools in Karnataka. The project involved organizing digital mobile planetarium shows to provide an immersive and educational experience to students in remote areas.

The primary aim of this program was to introduce the wonders of the impact to young students and foster an enduring interest in science and astronomy. We sought to bridge the gap between urban and rural educational opportunities by reaching out to government-run schools adopted by the Aviratha.

Program Highlights:

Planetarium Shows:
One of the most exciting aspects of the Astronomy Outreach Program was the awe-inspiring planetarium shows. These immersive experiences transported students to distant galaxies, sparking their imagination and expanding their understanding of the universe. It was a truly magical journey for Young learners.

Interactive Sessions:
Engagement is the key to learning, and we understand this well. We organized interactive sessions where students could ask questions, share their thoughts, and engage in discussions with experts. These sessions not only enriched their knowledge but also encouraged them to think critically.


The Digital Mobile Planetarium Shows for Rural Schools in Karnataka had a significant impact on both students and the communities they served:

  1. Enhanced Educational Experience: Students in rural schools were exposed to a level of science education and exploration previously unavailable to them. The planetarium shows ignited a passion for learning and expanded their horizons.

  2. Inspired Future Scientists: Many students were inspired to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, as they realized the vast potential of the universe and their place within it.

  3. Improved Educational Equity: The project contributed to reducing the educational disparity between urban and rural areas, ensuring that all children, regardless of their location, had access to high-quality science education.

  4. Community Engagement: The initiative fostered a sense of community engagement, as parents and local residents participated in the educational journey of the students, creating a supportive environment for learning.

  5. Long-Term Benefits: By nurturing an interest in science and education, the project had long-term benefits for the rural communities. It opened doors to opportunities for continued learning and development.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Aviratha for their generous support, which made this program possible. Their commitment to education and empowerment has lit up the lives of thousands of children.

The Astronomy Outreach Program was a shining example of Saare Tare Zameen Par Trust’s dedication to nurturing young minds and expanding horizons. We remain committed to creating more opportunities that empower children with knowledge and inspire them to reach for the stars.